Gabriel Crispim

FRONTEND Developer

  • Attention to details
  • Responsive design
  • Clean code


BIOTEC - Innovations and technologies

BIOTEC startup website. Landingpage where you can find informations about the company and the contact. Available in english and portuguese with dark and ligh mode.

Next.js 14, Typescript, SCSS and Next-intl


A form to put your name, surname, email and password. With error message if you let the inputs blank or if you set your email wrong.

Nextjs and SCSS


A Landingpage where you can find about the company and its contact.

React and SCSS
Javascript(EC6+) javascript
React.js react
Next.js next
Nodejs node
HTML5 html
CSS css
GIT git
GitHub github
GitHub Desktop github desktop
Visual Studio Code vscode
Photoshop photoshop
Figma figma
Framer-Motion Framer motion
Javascript(EC6+) javascript
React.js react
Next.js next
Nodejs node
HTML5 html
CSS css
GIT git
GitHub github
GitHub Desktop github desktop
Visual Studio Code vscode
Photoshop photoshop
Figma figma
Framer-Motion Framer motion

About me

Gabriel Crispim
How everything started

Hello, I'm Gabriel, a self-taught programming enthusiast who started my journey into the world of technology in December 2022. My fascination with the JavaScript programming language led me to master the basics of frontend development within a few months.

With an insatiable thirst for knowledge, I embarked on the journey of React in May and shortly after, I was captivated by Next.js, seeking to expand my skills in modern web development..

Passionate about programming, I consider the art of coding a way to create innovative and impactful solutions. My unwavering dedication and willingness to continuously learn drive me to achieve new heights in this ever-evolving universe.

I hope to inspire others to pursue their dreams, just as I found my passion and purpose in programming. I can't wait to face new challenges and contribute to an increasingly promising digital world.

Welcome to my website, where I share my experiences and learning, and together, we explore the fascinating universe of programming!

My personal life

Beyond the realm of technology, I'm an aficionado of fitness, hitting the gym, cycling, and practicing martial arts. My thirst for knowledge extends to reading personal development books, constantly seeking to evolve in all aspects of life.

Contact me

Ups, It seems that you forgot to write your message! 😅
It is missing your email! 🤔
I have to know your name 👀
Email sent! 😁👍